Friday, February 27, 2009

Actor's Web Page Homework

Okay, I had a really tough time with divs and floats, particularly down by the Video Player Box. I just couldn't figure out how to stack the video thumbnails vertically next to the video player. I tried divs, floats, spans, inside and outside the larger div, but I just couldn't solve that problem.

Also, couldn't figure out how to save as a jpeg -- my computer wouldn't let me do the typical right-click-and-save as jpeg.

Lastly, this blog wouldn't accept my link, so here is my url:

1 comment:

  1. Imagine the video player were a div, and you wanted to put the thumbnails side by side with it... you would need to float both the video player and the thumbnails (and add a "clear" div after the last thumbnail).

    Try adding this code to your CSS:

    div.vid_player_box object {
    float: left;
