Friday, April 3, 2009

REVISED Homework #5 (HOMEWORK 6?)


I was finally able to clean up my mouseout and mouseover homework.

For the html code, I created a parent div around both the image and the info div (which actually made perfect sense to me -- finally!). However, that still didn't fix the problem - which was extremely frustrating. After much careful and sometimes 'foggy' thought, I realized that I needed to re-think my PHP code to ensure that it was 'married' correctly to my new html code. That said, (and I'm hoping I'm using the correct verbiage here)I changed the ID of my mouseover/mouseout functions to align with the ID of my newly-formed parent divs -- which seemed to do the trick.

Fortunately I was able to get this homework functioning. Unfortunately, I'm still somewhat foggy on the overall logic/concepts. But I will, of course, continue to study and forge ahead...

Here is the link to my revised homework:

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